Hello everyone,
We just had our AGM last week and reported on last years work and accomplishments as well as upcoming events and projects in the community. The opening portion of the meeting included comments on the importance of advocacy associations in rural communities in Canada as the issues we have here are unlike urban areas. We are blessed in this community that the WLRA has strong historical ties to government and business entities that plan or manage activities in our residential and geographical area. Our type of a proactive association is rare in our country, but it helps to avoid the reactive postures most communities resort to when faced with a conflict that threatens their residential lifestyle and environmental values. Most of the outside agencies governing or doing business here prefer a residential association as an initial contact point to understand the issues that are important to the residents. It gives them an opportunity to present their proposed plans in an organized setting to the community.
Our residents young and old that don't have time to get involved in this established non profit registered society in the province of British Columbia, are not fully protecting their own home and back yards with an association that is provided to us by our own government. These registered non profit societies qualify for grants, foundation funds, and other tools that individual citizens have no opportunity to obtain. For the young residents here, it provides many volunteer, organizational and leadership skills that fit nicely on any resume, not to mention the networking connections to many local, regional, provincial government and business leaders. For us older residents, it gives us a chance to give back to our community in whatever manner we can. Just being a member is being involved.
The strategy is for the remaining four executives on the board is to fulfill the duties outlined in Policy 3 in addition to the following organizational committees.
Lake Stewardship - Alf Davies B.C. Parks / B.C. Fisheries (ongoing lake issues)
Forest Operations - BCTS / Canoe Forest Products (upcoming operations)
Non Profits Network - CSRD - Member of Parliament - B.C. MLA
South Shuswap Chamber of Commerce, Trail Alliance, Culture.
WLRA website communications.
The following Committees may be at risk depending on volunteer participation.
Community Safety - Garry Loeppky
Roads and Infrastructure - Hal Dyck
W.L. Trails - Carmen Massey
Community Events - Shaun Gaynor
Fall BBQ - open
Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness - open
Lake Water Testing Program - Shaun Gaynor
If you are interested in volunteering for any of these committees, please let us know through the website contact info@wlra.ca. Direct your neighbour to our website if you feel they may want to step along side us in our community.
With the upcoming forestry operations on the south-side of the Big White Lake, BCTS has offered to take any residents out on a site tour and have a presentation for the WLRA on the harvest details. We will forward out their correspondence as we receive it, maybe some electronic mapping of the proposed cuts. Probably looking at September for this meeting for those that are interested.
The WLSG that was discussed at the AGM has now received a sizeable donation and a grant to initiate an invasive species reduction program with the Ministry of Freshwater Fisheries and the stewardship group. We will get further information out as events progress on the lake.
We will update all of our committee reports via this email group. If you are a WLRA member and don't want to receive these reports just let us know at info@wlra.ca. If you are currently on this mail list and not an active 2019 WLRA member you will not be receiving any further reports. Please, go to our website for membership information.
At this time, I would like to thank our outgoing President Bryon Every and Directors Marc Boutet, Hal Dyck and Shaun Gaynor. They have all committed much of their time in the association the last few years. They haven't gone too far, as some have taken on committee chair positions. The great thing about our association is that you can step in or out as your time permits. It pays back in more ways than one can imagine.
A welcome and thank you goes out to our new in-term Vice President - Mark Hersey, Treasurer - Renee Rebus and returning Secretary - Lori Onsorge.
Thank you neighbours for your time and equally important don't forget to support our White Lake Community Hall Society (WLCHS) that really anchors this community.
Patrick Frank
President WLRA